This website and content do not represent investment advice. I have an incurable brain tumour which at some point will kill me. In May 2024, my brilliant neurosurgeon performed a craniotomy and de-bulking procedure on the tumour.
If you take anything here as investment advice from someone who has a chunk of his brain missing, then I suggest you have yours examined too. Foreign exchange, fixed-income and money markets are volatile asset classes. Currencies and bond yields move up and down, though not necessarily in that order.
Do your own research. Choose your own entry point for any trade. Set your own targets and mitigate risks through appropriate stop-loss policies. Anything here is only intended for those who are qualified to read it and do not need to remove their shoes and socks when counting beyond ten. I am not here to hold your hand or wipe your bum. Simply Macro Strategy accepts no responsibility should its views be wrong but reserves the right to brag endlessly should they be correct.
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